Arun Prakash
Arun Prakash did his master’s from Savitrabai Phule Pune University with specialization in Astrophysics. He completed his Doctor of Philosophy from Banaras Hindu University with specialization in Nuclear and Particle Physics. His research involved the study of collisions of heavy ions at high energies. He was a member of the Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment at the Facility for Anti proton and Ion Research (FAIR) accelerator complex, Darmstadt, Germany. Within CBM he worked on Muon Chamber Detector or 'MuCH' He completed his post-doctoral fellow from Nuclear Physics Institute of CAS, Prague Czech Republic. He was a member of High Acceptance di-electron Spectrometer (HADES) experiment, Facility for antiproton and ion Research, Darmstadt, Germany. Within HADES he worked on Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECal) detector. He actively participated in beam test of detectors at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, He has worked at various national and international research laboratories all around the world. He has taught physics at national and international level to undergraduate, and master’s students at various institutes and universities. At CCL he oversees documentation of science and is responsible for creating science content and facilitating teacher workshops primarily in Physics. He loves spending time exploring and understanding nature. He loves playing all types of indoor and outdoor sports