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Curiosity  Manuals - Telangana


3D Shapes

Curve Stitching

Push pin portrait

Self starting siphon

Neutralisation Circles

Lava Lamp

1000 year Calendar

Triangular Wave Car

Anamorphic Cylinder

Cylinder to Ellipse (with ball Focus Points)

Non transitive Dice

Sum of Squares

Car with 3 different wheels

Cube =6 Pyramid-Version-1

Cube = 3 Pyramid

Hex Image

Straw wave model

Balancing bird

DIY Speaker

Pencil Spinner

Mechanical Hula Hoop (spinning paper ring on ball)

Cross-Slit Pinhole Camera

Swing Ball

27 cards Set Game

Place Value Cards (GSM)

Einstein's Clock

Kaleidoscope ( Dodecahedron)

Genaille-Lucas Rulers (multiplication)

Golumb Ruler

Tessellation shapes

Roll to the top sheets and dice

Squaring the square

KGBV Polyomino puzzle

up it up

5 in 1 (GSM Paper)

Duplicate entry deleted

Electrolytic Writing

Largest Area with equal Perimeter

Hinged Dissection (3 Types)

Cylinder Cone Volume

Cone to Ellipse (with ball focus points)

Tessellation shapes

Sum of Triangular Numbers-gsm, dices

Reauleux Car

Cube to Rhomboid Dodeca

Cube = 4 Pyramid + tetra

Referee Whistle

Siphon (M,V)

Tippe Top


Hand Pump (valves)

Nut Spinner

Homopolar Motor

Slide Whistle

Perfect Squares

A0 paper

Inside Out Cube

Pentomino Calendar

Genaille-Lucas Rulers (division)

Napier Bones

Braid kit

Shakuni ke paase

Pull up nets

Beizier Curves

Triangle to Square Hinged Dissection

Bindi/MDF Laser Protrait

Visualization AC/DC

Cresol red- CO2 utilisation by plants

Alarm Clock

Sine Wave Car

Angle Trisector (Hathoda)

Pythagoras Theorem (4 types)

Archimedes Sphere Volume


Fastest Curved Path


Cube = 5 Pyramid

Handshake Puzzle

Lung Capacity

Bottle tornado

Fidget Spinner Gyroscope

Scrolling Watch

Eddy Current Pipes and falling magnet

Vasudev ka pyala (siphon)

Ames Room

Angle Trisector (Carpenter Square)

Magical Line

A4 Ratios

Kaleidoscope ( Icosahedron)

Cylinders impression on Sand

Cones with same circle

No Thanks

Digit Party

Fishing rod

Paper Folding puzzles

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